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ISO/IEC 27017:International Electrotechnical Commision

ISO/IEC 27017

  1. ISO/IEC 27017 is an internationally recognized standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). It is dedicated to enhancing security controls specifically tailored for cloud computing environments. ISO/IEC 27017 provides guidelines aimed at ensuring the security, confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data stored and processed in the cloud.
  2. This standard serves as a crucial extension to the ISO framework, focusing on Information Security Management Systems (ISMS) within cloud services. ISO/IEC 27017 offers comprehensive guidance for cloud service providers and customers, helping them establish robust protocols to mitigate risks associated with cloud computing.
  3. ISO/IEC 27017 Certification signifies an organization’s commitment to implementing effective security measures in cloud environments. It outlines a systematic approach for identifying, assessing, and addressing potential threats to cloud-based data and services. By adhering to ISO/IEC 27017 guidelines, organizations can strengthen their defenses against cyber threats, data breaches, and unauthorized access in the cloud.
  4. Our ISO/IEC 27017 Certification Services are tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses, providing comprehensive solutions to address the challenges of cloud security. From initial assessments to complete project management, our certified experts guide organizations through every step of the certification process. We ensure seamless compliance with ISO/IEC 27017 standards, instilling confidence in your cloud security practices.
  5. Partnering with GRC360 means gaining access to trusted ISO/IEC 27017 consultancy services designed to enhance your organization’s security posture in the cloud. Our team of professionals brings extensive expertise in cloud security, enabling you to navigate compliance requirements with ease. Together, we’ll work towards achieving ISO/IEC 27017 Certification, bolstering your resilience against evolving cyber threats and building trust among stakeholders.

Benefits of ISO 27017 Certification

External assurance to customers

Provides external assurance to customers that information processed in the cloud by their cloud service provider is secure.

 Risk Minimization Techniques

It helps reduce the risk of a security breach and other risks, this will increase stakeholders trust.

Extends and enhances certification

It extends and enhances a clients ISO 27001 certification.

Framework for cloud services customers

Provides a comprehensive information security management framework for cloud services customers and in so doing it holds their providers to account.

Framework for cloud services customers

Provides a comprehensive information security management framework for cloud services customers and in so doing it holds their providers to account.

Principles of ISO/IEC27017

The principles of ISO/IEC 27017 revolve around enhancing security controls specifically tailored for cloud computing environments. These principles are aligned with the overarching goals of information security management and focus on ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data stored and processed in the cloud. Here are the key principles of ISO/IEC 27017:

  1. Shared Responsibility: ISO/IEC 27017 emphasizes the concept of shared responsibility between cloud service providers and customers. It delineates the respective roles and responsibilities of each party in ensuring the security of cloud-based services and data.
  2. Asset Management: The standard addresses the management of assets within cloud environments, including the identification, classification, and protection of sensitive data and resources stored or processed in the cloud.
  3. Segregation of Duties: ISO/IEC 27017 advocates for the segregation of duties within cloud computing environments to prevent conflicts of interest and reduce the risk of insider threats. This principle ensures that no single individual has complete control over critical cloud functions.
  4. Security Configuration: The standard emphasizes the secure configuration of cloud services and infrastructure, including the hardening of virtual machines and the implementation of appropriate access controls and encryption mechanisms.
  5. Operational Procedures: ISO/IEC 27017 highlights the importance of documenting critical operational procedures related to cloud security. This includes procedures for incident response, data backup and recovery, system maintenance, and access management.
  6. Monitoring and Logging: The standard encourages cloud service providers to implement monitoring and logging mechanisms to enable customers to monitor relevant activities within the cloud environment. This helps detect and respond to security incidents in a timely manner.
  7. Security Management Alignment: ISO/IEC 27017 promotes the alignment of security management practices between cloud service providers and customers. This ensures consistency in security controls and processes across both virtual and physical networks.

By adhering to these principles, organizations can strengthen their cloud security posture and effectively mitigate risks associated with cloud computing. ISO/IEC 27017 provides a comprehensive framework for implementing security controls that address the unique challenges of cloud environments while fostering trust and confidence among cloud service providers and customers.

Cloud Computing & ISO/IEC27017

Cloud computing refers to the delivery of computing services, including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, and more, over the internet (“the cloud”). Instead of owning and maintaining physical infrastructure or data centers, organizations can access these resources on-demand from cloud service providers. Cloud computing offers flexibility, scalability, cost-effectiveness, and accessibility, allowing businesses to innovate and scale their operations more efficiently.

iso/iec 27017


ISO/IEC 27017 is integral to cloud computing security, offering guidelines and best practices tailored for cloud environments. It addresses the unique challenges and risks inherent in storing and processing data in the cloud, building upon the broader ISO/IEC 27001 standard. By adhering to ISO/IEC 27017, both cloud service providers and customers can bolster the security of their cloud environments, ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data while mitigating risks like data breaches, unauthorized access, and service disruptions.

Why implement ISO 27017?

Making clients feel safe about their data being stored in the cloud is vital. Having ISO/IEC 27017 standard allows an internationally standardized framework that can help reduce the risk of data breaches and build customer trust by showing your commitment to information security. The standard also gives guidance to cloud service customers on what they should want from their cloud service hosts.

The standard covers a range of topics such as asset ownership, removal and return of assets when a customer contract has been terminated, protection and separation of a customer’s virtual environment and more. With a growing risk of cloud data breaches now more than ever is important to know you and your organization are doing the most to try and reduce these risks as a cloud service provider and/or a cloud service customer.

As ISO 27017 is built from the foundations of ISO 27001 and ISO 27002 framework, the certification shows compliance internationally and helps your organization for both the cloud service providers and cloud service customers against risks within the cloud.

Our Services

At GRC360, we specialize in providing comprehensive services to ensure your organization’s compliance with the globally recognized ISO/IEC standards, specifically ISO/IEC 27017 for cloud security. Our tailored solutions are designed to address the unique needs of your business and help you navigate the complexities of cloud security compliance effectively. Explore our range of services below:

Audits: Our experienced team conducts thorough audits to assess your organization’s adherence to ISO/IEC 27017 standards for cloud security. Through meticulous examination and analysis, we identify areas for improvement and provide actionable recommendations to enhance your compliance posture in the cloud.

Consultancy: Benefit from expert consultancy services aimed at guiding your organization through the intricacies of ISO/IEC 27017 compliance. Our consultants offer strategic advice, regulatory insights, and tailored solutions to help you navigate the cloud security landscape effectively and implement best practices.

Compliance Solutions: We offer comprehensive compliance solutions tailored to streamline and strengthen your adherence to ISO/IEC 27017 standards. From policy development and implementation to ongoing monitoring and review, we provide end-to-end support to ensure excellence in cloud security compliance.

Third-Party Compliance Consultancy and Audits: In addition to our core services, we specialize in offering third-party compliance consultancy and audits for ISO/IEC 27017. Our experts provide independent assessments and validation of your compliance efforts in the cloud, giving you confidence in your regulatory compliance status.

ISO/IEC 27017 is an internationally recognized standard aimed at enhancing security controls specifically tailored for cloud computing environments. It emphasizes the principles of Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability (CIA) to ensure the protection and availability of data stored and processed in the cloud.

GRC360 specializes in assisting organizations with ISO/IEC 27017 implementation, offering a range of services throughout the ISO/IEC 27017 lifecycle. From conducting gap analysis and risk assessment to developing policies and procedures and facilitating ISO/IEC 27017 certification, our professional consultants ensure effective and efficient implementation.

Benefits of ISO/IEC 27017 implementation include building trust and credibility in the market, reducing the risk of cloud security breaches, safeguarding critical information assets in the cloud, and enhancing organizational reputation and stakeholder confidence in cloud security practices.

Partner with GRC360 to implement ISO/IEC 27017 effectively, enhance your cloud security resilience, and ensure the protection and availability of your critical information assets. We are committed to helping organizations achieve and maintain ISO/IEC 27017 compliance effectively and efficiently. Partner with us to safeguard your cloud operations, mitigate risks, and uphold the highest standards of regulatory compliance.

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